Inflatable advertising
See also printed banners (maximum seamless size 3m x 10m).
Inflatable product replica
Custom shaped oversized inflatable character / product replica. Entire product surface can be covered with custom printing.
Inflatable bottle
Inflatable product replica - bottle. Entire product surface can be covered with custom printing.
Inflatable can
Oversized inflatable can replica. Entire product surface can be covered with custom printing.
Inflatable Pylon
Large inflatable advertising tube / pylon. Airtight - no need for a constantly working blower.
Inflatable Gate
Inflatable advertising arch / gate. Suitable for marking the start or finish line of a race. Airtight, no compressor required.
Inflatable Tent
Inflatable tent / dome shelter. Airtight support posts - does not require a compressor to deploy. Sizes 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6 and 4x7 meters.
Inflatable Tent CUBE
Innovative shaped event tent for outdoor events. Airtight construction - no need for a constantly blowing compressor. Size 2,5x2,5m
Inflatable seats
Comfortable inflatable seats (armchairs and sofas) with personal design or branding. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Inflatable moving advertising product comprising a long fabric tube with "arms" and "legs" powered by an electrical compressor.

We use renewable energy in production.